Let's get to work!

I've worked as a program manager, scoping and planning complex projects. I've built backends on each major cloud provider and worked on everything from Flutter mobile + web apps to low-level graphics applications in C++.

No project is too small, and we'll scope it down to manageable chunks if it's too big.

The Process

Step 1

We Chat

We'll discuss what your business or project goals are.

Click the button above to schedule a free 20-minute consult with me. There's no commitment to work with me at this point.

I Plan

Once I understand your goals, I'll put together a project proposal for how we can accomplish them.

We'll meet again to review the proposal. If you like what you see, we'll agree on the billing structure that fits your needs (fixed fee or hourly).

Step 2
Step 3

I Work

Once we've ironed out the details, we'll sign the agreement, and I'll get to work!

© Fraker Consulting LLC